Bring out the future champions of our sectors of excellence
France 2030, designed in consultation with economic, academic, local and European players, now offers exceptional means to respond to the ecological, demographic, economic, industrial and social challenges of an ever-changing world.
This unprecedented innovation and industry plan reflects a dual ambition. On the one hand, to sustainably transform key sectors of our economy (energy, automotive, aeronautics, digital or even space) through innovation and industrial investment. On the other handposition France not just as a player, but as a leader in the economy of tomorrow.
France 2030 is also innovative in its scope. In total, it is more than 50 billion euros, including 34 billion euros in new loans, which will be invested so that our companies, our universities and our research organizations fully succeed in their transitions in strategic sectors.
Its management is entrusted to Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment. Unified governance is also in place to ensure efficient deployment of the planned €54 billion.
France 2030 sets 10 objectives which revolve around three issues: produce better, live better and better understand our world.
1. Encourage the emergence in France of small nuclear reactors, innovative and with better waste management.
2.Become the leader in green hydrogen.
3. Decarbonize our industry.
4. Produce nearly 2 millionelectric and hybrid vehicles.
5. Produce thefirst low-carbon aircraft.
6. Invest in healthy, sustainable and traceable food.
7.Produce 20 biomedicines against cancers, chronic diseases including those related to age and to create the medical devices of tomorrow.
8. Place France again at the top of theproduction of cultural and creative content.
9. Take our full part inthe new space adventure.
10. Invest inthe seabed field.
These 10 main objectives are based on 5 transverse levers (raw materials, components, digital technologies, talents and financing of innovation), which are essential to achieving this ambition.
So that France remains master of its destiny, and regains its full independence.
All open schemes are accessible here: link to the “France 2030 schemes” search engine.
Useful links
Presentation of the plan france2030.gouv.fr
The Twitter of the General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI), in charge of France 2030:https://twitter.com/SGPI_avenir