Cookie Policy
What is a cookie ?
A cookie is a small file made up of letters and numbers that is downloaded onto your computer when you access certain websites. In general, cookies allow a website to recognize the user's computer.
The most important thing to know about the cookies we place is that they are used to improve the usability of our website, for example by remembering site preferences and language settings.
Table of cookies
In this section, you must mention the cookies you use on your site. For more information, click here .
_ _utma
_ _utmb
_ _utmc
_ _utmz
placed by
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Used to track traffic on the site: allows you to distinguish between different sessions and users
Used to track traffic on the site: allows you to distinguish between different sessions and users
Used to track traffic on the site: allows you to distinguish between different sessions and users
Used to track traffic on the site: allows you to identify the sources of traffic and the origin of visits
2 ans
30 minutes
6 mois
Other cookies used on our site
The following cookies are used for the proper functioning of our site. They are not dangerous and do not store any crucial information of your private life. They are not affected by the CNIL measures.
placed by
Our website
Our website
How hosting works
1 heure
How hosting works
1 heure
Operation of the site
Durée de la session
Memorization of your choice
13 mois
Data retention period
The data collected through our site (contact forms) are kept for a one year period.