Do you need resistance welding expertise?
FTS has been a major player in the sector for decades on resistance welding processes, robotic application or stationary machines. Our mastery of the entire process, with the support of our partners, allows us to offer complete expertise in resistance welding.
Test cells
FTS has in its workshop a resistance welding robot cell and a stationary welder dedicated to the validation of parameters from samples of customer parts.
Resistance welding
With 30 years of experience in robotic welding guns, FTS has acquired know-how recognized by the whole market. Agreements with the different welding generator suppliers allow FTS to offer the best existing solutions for stationary machines and welding area.
FTS accompanies you to validate your welding tests on traditional steels but also on aluminum, titanium and stainless steel....
Welding generator
Our agreements with ARO,BOSCH and WTC make it possible to assist our customers in setting up resistance welding sequences both on our own machines and on external installations.
The solutions
FTS offers the following options on all generators:
effort and welding current profile
control of welding parameters
dynamic quality control of welding parameters
networking sequences